LEVEL 1 - Movement Patterns

  • Mastering Movement patterns rather than training muscles.

  • Creating a foundation to build off of.

  • Teaching your muscles and joints HOW to perform they way they were meant to.

  • Understanding WHEN to progress your exercise routine.

  • Choosing WHAT movement patterns you need to improve on.

  • Developing the Glutes and Hips to be the primary worker in your movements.


LEVEL 2 - Progression / Regression

  • Understanding the “Progression/ Regression method”.

  • Building off the Foundation created from Level 1.

  • Challenging your movements with additional weight/ speed/ task specific.

  • We learn in what steps we take to progress in a safe way.


LEVEL 3 - A.B.C’s

  • Agility - We train your joints to be able to react and transition through quick movements.

  • Balance- We challenge your balance skills that you created from L1 and L2 with multi tasked single leg movements.

  • Coordination- We challenge your agility and balance combined by adding in movement patterns that involve a lot of mental / physical tasks.



Here is a video explaining the importance of 3 planes of motion and why its a principle of Longevity Training